Cindy is often asked:

“How do you do it all?”

Well, this is her secret:

Living in Balance

Living in Balance isn't your traditional business coaching.
It’s a holistic approach designed specifically for women to work from the inside out.
LIB helps you create purpose driven wealth in all areas of your life.


What Living in Balance has meant for Cindy:


This isn't your typical business coaching and I don't know what I would have done without it. Women are wired differently than men. We are fluid. Men are great at compartmentalizing things, where for women everything is about relationship and it is constantly weaving together. Mothers, wives, friends, entrepreneurs, individuals, yogis, runners, sisters, daughters....we wear all of these hats.

Traditional business coaching is designed to support men, and for a long time it was mostly men in business. So we try to cram a round peg through a square hole and it works for a while but eventually we blow a gasket. We lose our health, our money, our relationship, pick your poison the energetics are the same.

Living in Balance has helped me do the inner work to shift my patterns and behaviours. It wasn't that I wasn't smart enough, or hard working enough, it was things I was habitually doing that was preventing the ease and the flow I wanted to create in my life.

This program is a space for entrepreneurial-spirited women who want to create structures and systems to take their businesses to the next level of financial abundance, balance and freedom. It is a brilliant, like-minded mentored support system. It is for the woman who are ready to take a hard look in the mirror, be provoked, and to shift her life to create more wealth and abundance in all areas. More time for you and your family, more money, better health....these are just some of the successes I have seen with women around me.

If you are intrigued head over to the site and watch some of the testimonials.

If you feel like this resonates with you, reach out to me and we can start the conversation to see if you are a fit for this space.